
My name is Simon Ludwig. I study Media Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf.

I am passionate about software engineering methodology, software architecture, security engineering and music software.

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A portrait of Simon Ludwig


These are some of the projects I have worked on recently. Some projects were done in a team.

Work Projects

TURTL: VirTUal NetwoRk SecuriTy Lab project image

TURTL: VirTUal NetwoRk SecuriTy Lab

An innovative, virtual and expandable learning environment for IT security in computer networks. Built with a Vue.js frontend in TypeScript and a Django REST backend in Python.

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Designing a Lawyer's Website project image

Designing a Lawyer's Website

A website for my father who is a lawyer. Built with pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

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University Projects

Mastodon for the HSD project image

Mastodon for the HSD

A Mastodon instance for my university. Our team also developed and deployed a recommendation algorithm which Mastodon itself does not have.

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A Quiz App written in Flask project image

A Quiz App written in Flask

A web application for single and multiple choice quizzes. Written in Python using Flask and SQLAlchemy.

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Personal Projects

My Personal Website project image

My Personal Website

Developed using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS and Prisma ORM. Deployed on Cloudflare Pages and Cloudflare D1.

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About Me

When I first started programming in 2014, at the age of thirteen, using only a Raspberry Pi and my parent's TV, I wanted to learn everything there is to know about computers. Now, ten years later, I am getting closer to finishing my bachelor's degree in Media Informatics, but I can confidently say that I have not achieved my naïve goal and likely never will.

During my studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf, I focused on the topics of software engineering methodology, software architecture and security engineering. This manifested itself in multiple university projects where we worked in a team and approached software development in a flexible, agile way. I also chose software architecture and security engineering as compulsory elective modules and took part in a capture-the-flag hacking workshop to deepen my understanding of IT security. Moreover, I have worked on multiple projects as a student assistant under Prof. Dr. Holger Schmidt, most notably TURTL, an online application for IT security in computer networks. I built the Vue.js frontend and Django backend together with four colleagues and coordinated our team's software development work towards the end of the project.

I am very passionate about music as well. I previously worked as a volunteer in the orchestra management of the WDR, the second-largest public broadcasting corporation in Europe. I play the guitar, the trombone, the trumpet and the piano in local bands and orchestras and I love producing music, which I have done as part of my studies too. I am also curious about music production software and algorithms, but my university does not offer courses in this field for bachelor students and I have therefore not been able to fully devote myself to this subject area yet.

Aside from music and computer science, I have a great interest in cooking, baking and food in general. I am still looking for ways to integrate my enthusiasm for food into my studies, but to no avail (...yet).

You can find more information about me on my LinkedIn.

A portrait of Simon Ludwig

Photo: © 2024 foto b. küpper